WomanConfusedAbourWhatToWearDo suffer closet depression?

What are the signs?

If you open your closet and feel:

  • Fuzzy
  • Overwhelmed
  • Sad
  • Depressed
  • Hopeless

Then, I’m sorry to say this: you have closet depression.

I’m not a fan of new years resolutions as they’re usually not anything we take seriously. Having said that, I AM a fan of transformation. I’ve seen how transformative an organized closet can be. If you’ve been staring at a row of clothes that are 2 sizes too small, it’s a constant reminder that you have gained weight. Yes, you may want to lose those extra 20 pounds, but do you really need a daily reminder?

If only 20% of your closet actually fits your body and lifestyle today, wouldn’t it be more confidence-boosting to just have THOSE clothes in your closet? If you’re not ready to accept your body changes, take out the too-small clothes and temporarily store them in another closet.

Would you like to start off the new year with more style confidence?

Make the decision to get into your closet this month and de-clutter your wardrobe. You will actually end up with MORE WEARABLE OUTFITS!

Start off 2016 with a confidence-boosting wardrobe without spending a dime!

ActII Boutique Store Pic

Picture  your favorite clothing boutique… What are the things about the store that excite you?

  • The possibilities of finding that perfect dress or pair of pants that were made for your body
  • The way it’s organized into function first, then by color, so creating a complete outfit is easy
  • Openness, space, room to sort through the racks

You can create this same excitement in your own closet!

Here’s how:

  1. take everything out of your closet (yes, that means everything)
  2. make 3 piles: keep, sell, and donate
  3. keep only the clothes that: fit you today, are in perfect condition (no staining, pilling or holes), feel like you, are the right color and style for your body, and coordinate with at least 3 pieces
  4. create outfits (lay them out on your bed) and take photos; include accessories such as shoes, jewelry, scarves, handbag, hat, etc.
  5. hang your “keep” clothes back in the closet and organize them by function and then by color

Now your closet is roomier, organized, and contains clothes that excite you! Your life will change because your attitude toward your appearance will change. It’s a small thing, but you can do it! This is what I teach in my online style workshop. If this is your year to STEP UP AND STAND OUT, then I invite you to take a powerful action today and enroll in my Style Success in Your Second Act Workshop.”

What are you motivated to do to gain CLOSET CONFIDENCE today?