How To Get Dressed Effortlessly

2018-01-25T12:15:32-07:00January 25th, 2018|

Isn’t it so true that the older you get the less you want to fuss around with intricate layers, hiding straps, and pulling up your pants to hide the muffin top? Effortless dressing…that’s the goal

3 Ways To SHOW UP More Confidently

2017-07-06T17:48:19-06:00June 26th, 2017|

What happens when you’re too tired, or too lazy, to put any effort into SHOWING UP CONFIDENTLY?

You already know the answer. I dare say, when I don’t make the effort to look put-together, I not

Are You Too Old To Wear That?

2017-06-20T20:15:16-06:00June 20th, 2017|

I get this question from my clients, “How do I find clothes that still make me look vibrant and attractive, but aren’t so young looking that they make me look silly or like I’m trying

Fifty Shades of Gray

2017-09-23T11:57:05-06:00March 6th, 2017|

You probably think this blog is about hair color. It’s not. Sex? I’m not that kind of stylist.

I thought I’d share a letter I received from

Stay Afraid But Do It Anyway

2017-09-20T08:00:19-06:00December 28th, 2016|

“Stay Afraid, But Do It Anyway!”

Wise words spoken by a wise, and deeply flawed, woman whose passing shocked and saddened the world this week. Carrie Fisher died too young, in my opinion, but,

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