Linda Waldon is a personal stylist who teaches the art of being your most confident, attractive and interesting self. With her combined business background and love of fashion and the arts, Linda empowers women to become more credible and magnetic, attracting more confidence and success.

Women over 45 are invited to join Linda’s Facebook Style Your Way To Success In Your Second Act Group, where women post their style selfie photos and receive as well as give fashion advice.

Linda helps you with all your wardrobe needs – from organizing your closet to creating your personal style and shopping. Linda works with you to customize a personal look for your everyday needs and special occasions, and she’ll create ensembles from your own closet that highlight the best of your personal style. Then, she edits the pieces in your closet that no longer serve you. If you want the shopping experience of a lifetime, request a personal shopping trip in her home town of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Linda can also provide Style Lookbooks that contain a personal selection of online fashions you can purchase from the comfort of your home!

As a woman over fifty you have all the experience, knowledge, and wisdom you need. But sometimes, along the way, you may lose your confidence. Oh, you know you’re competent and capable all right, but when you look in the mirror, all you can see is your wrinkles, muffin top, and expanding midsection. I understand because I am a woman over fifty, too.

Not only do I have the wrinkles, muffin top and expanding midsection, but I have the arthritic joints and menopausal symptoms! I’ve learned over the years how to take care of myself emotionally, physically, and fashionably and I’m so excited to share my secrets with you. You will no longer worry about wrinkles and body changes because you’ll have a confidence about you that supersedes any self-doubts.

You’ll know how to dress your body in a way that gives you confidence and poise as you walk into any situation. You deserve to have an inspired wardrobe that inspires you to live life fully!”