About Linda Waldon

Linda Waldon is the creator of Style Your Way to Success, a Step Up and Stand Out Program on a mission to help women over fifty who are ready to overcome their fear of visibility and rock their second act careers. An inspirational teacher, stylist, and former business executive, Linda writes a style blog, teaches workshops, and offers women entrepreneurs virtual and in-person style makeovers and VIP Weekends called “Second Act Branding” at a vacation-setting location on the California Central Coast. Read more...

Weddington Way NYE Wedding Challenge

2017-05-25T16:36:42-06:00December 17th, 2014|

Working as a stylist I have helped many brides, bridesmaids, and mothers-of-the-bride dress for that special day. I love discovering wedding fashion design companies that come up with trendy, attractive and affordable styles for this

Winter is Here!

2017-05-25T16:36:46-06:00November 18th, 2014|

Are you prepared for the cold weather?

If you live anywhere the weather changes significantly, it’s time to move your summer rags out and move your winter rags into center position.  If you’re like me, you

Are Your Wardrobe Staples Updated?

2017-05-25T16:36:46-06:00October 16th, 2014|

Updating your Wardrobe Staples every couple years is an important activity because it keeps your outfits current. Wardrobe Staples are not to be confused with the basic foundation pieces, such as underwear, socks, sleepwear, etc.

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