Can You Name Your Signature Style?
How do you decide what to wear every day? Do you have a unique style, or a style uniform, that makes you feel confident when you walk
How do you decide what to wear every day? Do you have a unique style, or a style uniform, that makes you feel confident when you walk
Isn’t it so true that the older you get the less you want to fuss around with intricate layers, hiding straps, and pulling up your pants to hide the muffin top? Effortless dressing…that’s the goal
Those unworn clothes in your closet are talking — what are they trying to tell you?
If you’re feeling frustrated with your closet because you have a ton of clothes but nothing to wear, take a
When a new year begins, this is a wonderful time to think back on how things went last year, how you felt about yourself, and what you’d like to do differently this year. If you’ve
What happens when you’re too tired, or too lazy, to put any effort into SHOWING UP CONFIDENTLY?
You already know the answer. I dare say, when I don’t make the effort to look put-together, I not
I get this question from my clients, “How do I find clothes that still make me look vibrant and attractive, but aren’t so young looking that they make me look silly or like I’m trying
Continuing with The Art of Sensual Living: My Lifestyle Secrets, I’m diving into Secret #3: Self-Image Fitness. Whew!!! This one is what my friend and colleague, Janet Hilts, calls a “BHI”
Wise words spoken by a wise, and deeply flawed, woman whose passing shocked and saddened the world this week. Carrie Fisher died too young, in my opinion, but,
It appeared from her remarkable collection of designer cocktail dresses that she danced the night away many times in her life. Dresses with vintage lace, taffeta, and