About Linda Waldon

Linda Waldon is the creator of Style Your Way to Success, a Step Up and Stand Out Program on a mission to help women over fifty who are ready to overcome their fear of visibility and rock their second act careers. An inspirational teacher, stylist, and former business executive, Linda writes a style blog, teaches workshops, and offers women entrepreneurs virtual and in-person style makeovers and VIP Weekends called “Second Act Branding” at a vacation-setting location on the California Central Coast. Read more...

How To Get Dressed Effortlessly

2018-01-25T12:15:32-07:00January 25th, 2018|

Isn’t it so true that the older you get the less you want to fuss around with intricate layers, hiding straps, and pulling up your pants to hide the muffin top? Effortless dressing…that’s the goal

Workout: Beyond Lululemon

2018-01-24T15:39:14-07:00August 13th, 2017|

I’ve been working out in one way or another since I was pregnant with my first child. I guess that was around the time I grew up and realized I had to take care of

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