Workout: Beyond Lululemon

2018-01-24T15:39:14-07:00August 13th, 2017|

I’ve been working out in one way or another since I was pregnant with my first child. I guess that was around the time I grew up and realized I had to take care of

Are You Too Old To Wear That?

2017-06-20T20:15:16-06:00June 20th, 2017|

I get this question from my clients, “How do I find clothes that still make me look vibrant and attractive, but aren’t so young looking that they make me look silly or like I’m trying

Fifty Shades of Gray

2017-09-23T11:57:05-06:00March 6th, 2017|

You probably think this blog is about hair color. It’s not. Sex? I’m not that kind of stylist.

I thought I’d share a letter I received from

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