Interview with Carol Schexnayder

Carol Schexnayder, Bayou Born, Retired Career Woman, Gorgeous Dancer
I asked Carol to tell us her story,
I asked Carol to tell us her story,
This is a very special summer as most of us have been locked in our
Whew! We made it!!!! I don’t know about you, but I have experienced a significantly
photo credit: Keri Wiginton
I became
I’m so excited to welcome the holidays this year because it’s the year of sparkles,
This fall season the runways had
Cindy recently joined Linda’s Style Resource Team. She
This is the time of year when we express our gratitude for all the gifts
I LOVE my Style Resource Team Ladies. They’re the BEST. I asked them to come
The big holidays are over, we’re well into the new year, the days are still short in the northern hemisphere, and we have been hit with
This Princess Blue and Turmeric Orange combination is mouthwatering. Pantone