Here we go, heading into the colder months (in the northern hemisphere) and warmer months in the south. So many changes are happening around us, and it’s so much fun to see all of you starting to layer up with sweaters, vest, coats, scarves and boots! The styling gets more amazing and creative every day, as you stretch to experiment with new looks, or stay with your tried and true signature style that works for you oh so well.

Memorable Posts

We’re seeing new faces in the group, which is always delightful and one of the main reasons I enjoy hosting this group so much. And we have our regulars who keep finding new ways to express a well-honed signature style, like our Laurel West and Margaret Ann Whalen.

Kelley Phillips Shields wrote a detailed account of her transformation journey and it resonated with so many of you! Thank you, Kelley, for sharing your personal story and opening up the conversation for so many women to share their own stories. That was really special.

Cathy Watson Budjenska shared her surgical experience with us and then she shared the joy that she felt post-surgery. So many years of not feeling good about her body was finally resolved. We’re so happy for you, Cathy!

Maria Rivas

Maria, you continue to surprise us with stunning dresses, and I mean knockout, oh my gosh, you made that, stunning gowns! We are so happy you share your dress-making abilities with us.

Top Posts This Month