This is a test page… this section has no Fusion Page Builder elements at all… Attention: all you amazing, gorgeous, talented women building your businesses and careers! Imagine having more confidence and what it would do for your personal and professional life.
Or, better yet, imagine what it would be like to have a fashion stylist whispering in your ear whenever you go shopping. [line break]
With everything I can teach you about color, style, and proportions, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you will know exactly what to wear that will empower you to get out and market your business and expertise with confidence and personality.
Link: This is a link
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The self-doubt you feel about the way you look is not going to get you where you want to be. I will teach you how to reflect your INNER beauty on the OUTSIDE. Your second act is the perfect time to get it right and allow the real you to show up and shine.
I’ve developed Step Up and Stand Out to help women over fifty who are ready to rock their second act careers by overcoming their fear of visibility and Getting Out Instead of Hiding Out.
Every time I press Return, I get a “new block” …
This Is a Title Block, Size 3, Left Aligned, Double Solid Separator, Separator Color ae1265– for more space after, need to add a separator
This is a full width container with a Text Block added… this section has no Fusion Page Builder elements at all… Attention: all you amazing, gorgeous, talented women building your businesses and careers! Imagine having more confidence and what it would do for your personal and professional life.
Or, better yet, imagine what it would be like to have a fashion stylist whispering in your ear whenever you go shopping. [line break]
With everything I can teach you about color, style, and proportions, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you will know exactly what to wear that will empower you to get out and market your business and expertise with confidence and personality.
The self-doubt you feel about the way you look is not going to get you where you want to be. I will teach you how to reflect your INNER beauty on the OUTSIDE. Your second act is the perfect time to get it right and allow the real you to show up and shine.
I’ve developed Step Up and Stand Out to help women over fifty who are ready to rock their second act careers by overcoming their fear of visibility and Getting Out Instead of Hiding Out.