If you’re ready to return to confidence and live in alignment with your body so you can express yourself through powerful style, don’t miss this opportunity to work with Linda and get hands-on help clarifying and updating your style and cleaning out your closet!
YOUR APPEARANCE IS LIMITING YOUR LIFE. You’re a go-getter, but lately you don’t feel like getting up and going anywhere because you don’t have anything to wear. You want to feel like you used to in your clothes – put-together, playful, chic – but your body has changed so much that now you don’t know what to wear!
YOU FEEL LIKE YOU’VE LOST YOUR CONFIDENCE. Since menopause kicked in you don’t like what’s happening to your body. You’re eating the same food, exercising the same way, but your middle just keeps growing. It’s frustrating because you still feel 100% confident on the inside, you just don’t feel confident on the outside.
YOU’RE LIVING IN WHAT I CALL “THE LAND OF FRUMP-A-DUMP.” This is a place where everything is loose and baggy, nothing is tailored, there are no beautiful colors. It’s a land of spandex and polyester. Enough is enough! You want your style mojo back!
YOUR CLOSET LOOKS LIKE A MUSEUM. You have all these beautiful clothes from the past, but nothing fits you the same way, and you need to create a wardrobe that fits your lifestyle and fits your body today.
YOU LOVE TO LOOK STYLISH, BUT YOU ARE LOST RIGHT NOW. You used to be so stylish and chic. Now you just need a little nudge and some sound style advice to get back on track.

PERSONAL STYLE ADVICE FROM LINDA. Everyone will interact daily with Linda in a Private Facebook Community where you’ll get a ton of personal attention and style advice from Linda!
4 GROUP COACHING/STYLE MASTERMIND CALLS. Connect with participants and Linda in a weekly live 1-hour virtual meeting where Linda will review the week’s video lessons, give you additional beauty tips, and take all your style questions. You’ll be gaining confidence putting together new outfits from your closet and posting selfies on our Secret Facebook Community! This time is dedicated to helping you move through resistance, body loathing, overcoming self-doubt, clarifying and receiving support. You’ll get to know this group of women by sharing personal experiences and gain the strength to move past feeling badly about yourself to feeling beautiful and confident again!
DEEP DIVE COLOR & STYLE LESSONS. In a series of 16 video lessons, Linda will teach you, step-by-step, how to mix and match colors, create beauty with clothing and flatter your body shape, declare your personal style, and re-build the wardrobe of your dreams. Each video is 20 minutes and packed with style education and creative ideas! You will have homework assignments each week that reinforce what you just learned.
PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT. No other style program includes a personality assessment that is used worldwide to identify your behavioral style and convictions. When you wear clothes that express and bring out your inner personality you will be more comfortable in your own skin and people will see the real you.
COLOR PALETTE CARD. You’ll receive a beautifully designed color card with your precise colors to use when shopping and creating polished, mix-and-match outfits.
COMMUNITY. A Secret Facebook Community is the hub where we interact and share with each other.
STYLE MAKEOVER. The result is an awakened and more refined version of YOU.
What Will Change For You
When you participate in this workshop, you will get life-changing relief from low self-esteem and body loathing. Everyone around you will notice the changes!
This is NOT a temporary fix for how you’re feeling. The style tools you’ll learn will take you from feeling badly about your body to rediscovering your style mojo and you’ll enjoy getting ready and getting compliments again. This is a game changer!
You will know exactly what pitch-perfect colors make you look and feel radiant
You will feel better about your body because you’ll only wear clothes that flatters you
You will get new tools to create a longer, sleeker body image
You will feel more comfortable in your clothes because you’re expressing your personality
You will have a more organized, functional wardrobe
You will fall in love with your real body and see yourself as a work of art
You will discover style trends you can incorporate into your wardrobe that you may not have envisioned yourself wearing
Finally, you will experience the joy of stepping into your beauty, body, and divine feminine energy as a woman over 50
STYLE YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS IN YOUR SECOND ACT is a program and community for women who want to bring style back into their lives. By being in this circle of women, you will link arms as you explore your color palette, body flattering styles, the styles that light you up, and grow your confidence. And it’s ALL COMPLETELY AVAILABLE TO YOU ONLINE!
Join Linda Waldon and a group of fantastic women who want to reclaim the confidence lost through the aging process! After only 4 weeks you will feel MORE CONNECTED with your body and MORE CONFIDENT about the outfits you wear. Invest in yourself and your ability to create an amazing, stylish look….now and in the future.
Learn how to get in touch with your body the way it is today, and apply practical and creative style tips so you can fall in love with your body again!
When you dress more confidently on the outside you become more confident on the inside and your dreams come to life.
Make Your Personal Style SIZZLE
a virtual style workshop
Rediscover Your Style Mojo!
When you join Style Your Way To Success, you join a fabulous community of women in an intimate, hands-on, soulful, strategic, and results-driven 4-week STYLE REDISCOVERY JOURNEY.
Take a look at some of the life-changing style transformations that previous participants have experienced. Click on the arrow to play the video below >>
August 2017 Style Success Transformations from Linda Waldon on Vimeo.
“One of the best things I’ve ever done was taking Linda Waldon’s course. It was so much fun and the content is outstanding. You will learn so much and feel very confident about putting outfits together easily. Think about it. It’s life changing! Linda is amazing and there is a ton of content in this course. Well worth it! You brought a whole new dimension to 2017 and it has thrilled me!!!”
“I would not hesitate to recommend this workshop to other women, it will save them money and lift there style confidence as well as getting an appreciation for clothing that it is a true reflection of you, not just something you put on for warmth. Being able to identify your own individual style is the best bit and it helps to really narrow down your choices, so you can identify quite clearly if a garment ticks all the style elements or not. Seriously take this workshop, it will be the best money you every spend!!”
“I can’t recommend Linda Waldon’s program enough. By no means do I have it down perfectly but rather I am a work in progress. Like many of us over 50, I have some weight to lose but I’ve learned to have fun with fashion again and to wear clothes with confidence. And … people have noticed! Friends have noticed more confidence in the way I dress and I’m noticing things in others. Compliments have always come easy for more but now it seems even more important.”
“I am also one of Linda’s students. Like the other participants, I am having more fun with fashion. I am even saving money because I have better knowledge on what works for my body type and colouring. Linda Waldon is awesome!”
“I do find that somehow I am becoming more accepting of how I look now and losing the attitude of “when I lose 20 lbs….when I get a facelift….when I get really in shape…THEN I’ll make an effort”. I am seeing that I can improve my style without needing to do any of those things that will probably never happen. I just didn’t know how. SO THANK YOU AGAIN, and can’t wait for our next session on Thursday! ”
Enrollment Price March 2 – 8 $495
VALUE. With everything you get, it’s a total value of $2025!!
Invest in yourself and your ability to create an amazing, stylish look….now and in the future.
ONLY 20 seats available!
By signing up you’ll receive
a huge confidence-boosting package of
warmth, guidance, color and style clarity!