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Welcome to Style Success in Your Second Act

4 Steps to Align Your Body, Mind and Image After Fifty

Congratulations on taking this important step to become a more confident dresser! You are just weeks away from being able to pick out the right colors and styles and becoming a more confident shopper!

I am 1000% committed to your success! It is my honor and joy to help passionate and talented women of a certain age take their brand image to the next level. My intention is to make this the most informative, enjoyable, and transformative experience you’ve ever had.

Below are details of how to get access to the Style Success Videos, Exercises, Audio Recordings, Bonus Materials, and Style Success Private Facebook Community. This is a self-paced, virtual style workshop, so you’ll be able to work through the materials at your OWN PACE. But, you’re not alone! I am available to answer all your style questions via our Private Facebook Page that only participants can see. I will happily give you style advice along the way.

As you see below, you have access to ALL the video and audio lessons. However, I recommend you watch the videos in order. Each video lesson builds upon the lessons from the previous video. But, of course, if you’re an Independent Maverick type, you’re welcome to go through the videos in any order you choose! You’ll be able to access all these materials for at least 90 days. Most women are able to complete the lessons in 30-60 days.

What To Expect Each Week

This program focuses on a specific aspect of your appearance and wardrobe each week, in the following order:

  • Week 1 – Develop Your Brand Color Palette
  • Week 2 – Align Your Body Shape with Clothes You Love
  • Week 3 – Express Yourself Through Powerful Style
  • Week 4 – Build Amazing Attention-Getting Outfits

Here is how the program works:

– Start watching Week 1 videos and complete the personal activities on your own. You’ll also be downloading and completing an assessment each week (you’ll find them under EXERCISES AND BONUS MATERIALS below).

– After you have watched all the videos for the week and completed the exercises, you should listen to the Style Maven Mastermind Weekly Call audio recording for that week. This is a recording of a live group call with participants. Linda reviews what you learned in the videos and answers questions from the participants. It’s a great review! If you have live questions for Linda, please post them on the Private Facebook Page. Linda will answer your questions as soon as possible — if you include photos of the outfit in question, that’s very helpful.

– After you complete Week 1, you’ll be able to determine your color palette. To receive your color palette card from Linda, simply email Linda at with your name, color palette card number and your home mailing address. She’ll mail you a color card package within a few days!

– You’ll be interacting with Linda and other participants on a Private Facebook Page, “Style Success in Your Second Act,”  where you can post photos, ask for advice, offer advice, and learn from other women just like you. It’s a fun, interactive experience not to be missed! You will be pre-registered on the Facebook page.


Below are links to the videos you’ll be watching each week. I suggest you reserve 30-60 minutes to watch 1 or 2 videos per day. There are 3-4 videos to watch per week. Each video is 15-20 minutes, but there is at least one activity assignment for each video, so you’ll want to reserve ample personal time to focus on yourself and complete the activities. It is well worth the time, attention, and self-reflection. You’ll see amazing results in only 30 days!

Week #1 Videos

Click Here to Watch

Week #2 Videos

Click Here to Watch

Week #3 Videos

Click Here to Watch


Week #4 Videos

Click Here to Watch


The following .pdf documents are for you to read and complete each week. These are .pdf files that will open in a separate window on your computer when you click on the link. You can either print the documents and fill them out on paper, or, if you have Adobe Acrobat Pro on your computer you can download the documents to your computer and fill them out on your screen. Let me know if you have any questions.

Week 1 – Develop Your Color Brand Palette


Color Me Confident Assessment.pdf

Week 2 – Align Your Body Shape with Clothes You Love –


Body Proportions Assessment.pdf

Week 3 – Express Yourself Through Powerful Style

Summer poncho

Personal Style Preferences.pdf

Week 4 – Build Amazing Attention-Getting Outfits


Closet Cleaning and Travel Packing.pdf


Click each recording in the list– check to see if the audio bar time (the time on the right) matches up to what shows in the playlist for that audio. Try dragging in the progress bar to see if you can advance or go back in recording. If you drag to the very end, it should automatically advance to the next recording. Click and drag around in each recording to make sure that each one plays and that you can advance or go back.

Method Three:

This is the same as the original method I used on the Style-Success-Fundamentals page.

Click the button for each recording—a NEW window (or tab, depending on how your browser is set up) will open with that recording. Check to see that you can advance or go back in the recording by dragging in the progress bar. If you want to go back to the original window, you can keep the audio going by just switching back to the window (or the tab) that you came from. If you close the window (or tab) with the recording in it, that will stop the recording, and clicking the button again will re-open the recording window (or tab), but the recording will always start over from the beginning.

Clicking the link for each week’s recording will open a new tab or a new page that will play the recording and show you the playback controls.
If you wish to go back to view the Style Fundamental page, just leave the playback window open and use your browser’s tabs or window controls to switch to that window. After you are all done listening to the recording, simply close the playback tab or window.


Go here to access the Private Style Success Facebook Page >> Style Success in Your Second Act

To make the most out of this online training program, I strongly urge you to become an active participant in the 30 Days to Style Success Private Facebook Page. You will be pre-registered and will receive an email with a link to the page. This is where you can post your photo images as you work through the activities, pose questions to me and your fellow participants, and exchange ideas/vent/shout your successes, etc. It’s a lot of fun to interact with other women as you work through the exercises.

I’m so passionate about taking the guess work out of dressing confidently. Your job is to get out there and get noticed and build your business. My job is to make you feel beautiful and confident so you can walk into ANY room and OWN it!