Confidence Changes Everything

a series of mini courses

Enroll in one (or all) of these mini-courses and
bring confidence back into your life:

  • The way you look is your SECRET WEAPON!
  • You can stop hiding out in your clothes
  • Become visible and shift into high gear
  • See your body as a work of art. Express confidence and joy in your signature style!
  • Put the finishing touches on your appearance so you can live the life of your dreams

This is a program you can afford!

Each program is ONLY $49 (Normally $97)

Choose the area you want to focus on the most:

Love My Colors!

It’s totally normal to change the colors you wear after fifty. In fact, it’s a MUST!

Color is one of the first things people notice about you. Doesn’t it make sense to always wear colors that create the most unforgettable impact?

As women get older, our coloring changes. Especially if you’ve decided to go gray, that makes a difference in the colors that look best on you. If you’re bored with the colors in your closet, it’s time to bring your COLOR SIZZLE back!

This mini-course is delivered in 4 videos all under 20 minutes plus a workbook to help you determine your color palette. You’ll receive a gorgeous color card package in the mail to help you go shopping and clean out your closet.

By the end of this course you’ll be able to:

Know exactly what pitch-perfect colors make you look and feel radiant

Understand how to mix and match colors to create fabulous outfits

Use color to express your personality, look younger and spice it up!

Curious? Watch a short 3-minute preview of what you’ll learn here >> Love My Colors Sneak Preview Video

COLOR ME STYLISH! for $49 – Click on Buy Now To Begin


Love My Body!

How many times a day do you think or say something unflattering about your body?

So many women, especially after fifty, are unhappy and disconnected with their bodies.

When you learn how to look at your body objectively without judgment you begin to appreciate all the things your body does for you, and you can begin to love the skin you’re in. Just discovering your body shape and learning strategies to dress your unique shape in an attractive and natural way will release years of frustration!

You deserve to feel beautiful and confident in your skin, and I can teach you how. It’s time to bring your BODY SIZZLE back!

This mini-course is delivered in 5 videos all under 20 minutes plus a workbook to help you understand and dress your body shape more confidently.

By the end of this course you’ll be able to:

See your body as a work of art — the shape, lines, and form

Choose clothes that are flattering for your body shape

Take command of your clothes and how to style your look

Create balance and proportion with your outfits

BODY CONFIDENCE for $49 – Click on Buy Now To Begin


Love My Style!

Style is simply about looking put-together and comfortable in your clothes.

When all the pieces fit together perfectly — your clothes, jewelry, shoes, and accessories.

When your clothes reflect who you really are you will look and feel harmonious.

If you’re all over the place when it comes to buying clothes, and you have a hard time deciding what to wear, this mini-course is for you!

You will take a personality assessment, define your style words, and declare your signature style . It’s time to bring your STYLE SIZZLE back!

This mini-course is delivered in 4 videos all under 20 minutes plus a workbook to help you determine your STYLE DNA. You’ll define your signature style and create a Style Vision Board.

By the end of this course you’ll be able to:

Define 2-3 words that describe your style

Express your personality with your clothes

Know exactly what to buy because it fits your personal style profile

Put outfits together quickly and easily that tell the world who you are

Find Your STYLE SIZZLE for $49 – Click on Buy Now To Begin


Love My Wardrobe!

Do you stare into your closet and feel depressed, frustrated or just lost?

Would you like your closet to contain only the clothes that make you feel beautiful and confident?

If you have a disorganized closet, too many clothes and nothing to wear, or are just ready for a closet purge, this mini-course is for you!

You will learn how to clean out and organize your wardrobe so you can get dressed easily and pack for a trip without stress. It’s time to bring your WARDROBE SIZZLE back!

This mini-course is delivered in 4 videos all under 20 minutes plus a workbook to help you determine your color palette. You’ll clean out your closet, get rid of clothes that don’t work for you anymore, and organize your wardrobe so it works for your lifestyle.

By the end of this course you’ll be able to:

Keep your closet organized forever

Create all the capsule wardrobes you need for your lifestyle

Pack for a trip like a seasoned traveler without hassle or stress

Find Your WARDROBE SIZZLE for $49 – Click on Buy Now To Begin


Style Success In Your Second Act – Click on Enroll Now To Buy All 4 Programs Now!