My Gift To You!
Congratulations! You’re just one hour away from unlocking some of the secrets to ending makeup mysteries and skincare disappointments.
Take control of your aging process!
My guest expert, Lisa Liguori, CEO & Founder of Simple Beauty Minerals, answers all your questions about makeup foundation, eye shadows, skincare routines, and preventative steps you can take to stave off the aging process.
“Lips are tricky over 50. Eyes, don’t get me started. Where did these jowls come from? Sigh..I want to age gracefully and still look fresh and natural. Lisa answered a lot of my questions and now I have an action plan!” — Louise Holmes, New York
“This was a great webinar. And so informative!” — Catherine D.
In this impactful training, Lisa Liguori will reveal:
- The most common mistakes women over 50 make with their makeup routine
- How to work with those sagging, drooping eyelids
- What makeup colors work for women with gray or silver hair
- A simple, effective skincare routine for women over 50
- How to prevent makeup from settling in the creases of mature skin
- How to enhance your beauty in a natural, toxin-free way
“Aging Confidently”
Plus, here’s your bonus! You’re getting my popular eBook, “Aging Confidently,” so you can let go of menopause body changes and make peace with aging and learn to do it with flair and confidence. I can help you STEP UP AND STAND OUT with confidence and personality. Your second act is the perfect time to get it right and allow the REAL YOU to show up and shine. Click on the button below to get my popular style eBook.
To YOUR Style Success,
P.S. – I’d love to connect with you on my Style Your Way to Success Over Fifty Facebook Page and hear about YOUR style success concerns and passions. Introduce yourself and join in the conversation!