The big holidays are over, we’re well into the new year, the days are still short in the northern hemisphere, and we have been hit with some very challenging weather in the north. But life goes on as we travel down the path toward whatever dreams and goals you have set for yourself this year. Remember, if you don’t make plans for yourself someone else will make them for you! Someone said that to me when I was in my early 20s and it made an impact. I was just rolling along, playing with my horse, waitressing, and enjoying the freedom of living 3,000 miles from my home town. Back then, it was easy to live on waitress tips (even in California!), travel, and not really have a plan for the future.
I did this for a few years, when a friend asked me what my plans were for the future. I probably said something vague like, “I’m not sure…” That’s when he said, “You know, if you don’t make plans for yourself someone else will make them for you.” Oh. That shook me into action, I quit my go-nowhere waitress job and got a “real” job selling advertising for a local newspaper (hey, I thought I was in the major leagues with that job!). This one change started me on the road to my career in the computer industry, I made a conscious choice to take charge of my life, took action, and began the journey of living my dreams. What plans are you making for yourself in 2019?
Memorable Posts
Here are some posts from members who are making plans and living their journey! Enjoy some of the gorgeous, stylish posts…
Elena Usher shared her style journey searching for a long gown for a special event. Then she BLEW US AWAY!!!! We let her know we loved her dress with over 1,000 Likes and Comments!
Cynthia Miller has been sharing her trip to India to attend a friend’s wedding with her husband. What a journey and what a fantastic adventure into a myriad of colors, scents, and scenes. I hope you’re enjoying Cynthia’s photo journalism!
Laura Hunter, you continue to please us with beautiful colors and patterns! You asked the members for their choice of red or blue? We loved you in both outfits, but chose the blue as our favorite…
Virginia Millanes-Palomas we could all feel your joy and confidence in your Valentine’s Day dress!
Welcome one of our new members, Ramona Mateya, who is putting together outfits and posting. Yay!!! We loved you in this lemon yellow cardigan on a cold, snowy day.
Laurel West escaped the winter blizzards of Minnesota to enjoy the warm sunshine of Florida. Plus, she hooked up with Style Success group member, Vicki Cronin Dunlop in Fla! How fun is that?
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